Pure Harvest ver9c

MD Seed Analysis Inc

(805) 962-0739 MD Seed Analysis Inc

Pure Harvest Release ver9c, 05/24/2024

Database Connection Successful

Welcome MDSA


Please choose internal or external login


Internal Log In

For employees entering data into the system


External Log In

For Customers to access results or submit samples/fields

    [0.debug] => Array
            [0] => line24
            [1] => line26
            [2] => server name matched
            [3] => ln63 lic name mdsa

    [admin_top] => /ver9c//admin/
    [assoc_top] => /ver9c//assoc/
    [authority] => 
    [billing_top] => /ver9c//financial/
    [cert_top] => /ver9c//certification/
    [client_logo_top] => 
    [crops_top] => /ver9c//crops/
    [database] => phlite
    [db_connect_string] => host=localhost port=6543 dbname=phlite user=mdsa1
    [db_user] => mdsa1
    [dbport] => 6543
    [exports_top] => /ver9c//exports/
    [fields_top] => /ver9c//fields/
    [foundation_top] => /ver9c//foundation/
    [image_top] => /ver9c/include/images/
    [include_top] => /ver9c//include/
    [lab_top] => /ver9c//lab/
    [license_name] => mdsa
    [login_top] => /ver9c//login/
    [logout] => /ver9c/
    [logout2] => /ver9c/
    [lookup_top] => /ver9c//lookup/
    [ph_logo] => /ver9c/include/images/harvest_logo.png
    [ph_server_style] => dedicated
    [phapp_menu] =>  phapp_menu 
    [phersion] => ver9c
    [pureh_full_path] => /home/http/phosm/ver9c/
    [reports_top] => /ver9c//reports/
    [revision] => 05/24/2024
    [version] => ver9c
    [web_host] => https://mdsa.pureharvest.com/
    [web_top] => /ver9c/
    [workflow_top] => /ver9c//workflow/
    [xt_top] => /ver9c/xt/
    [zeus_top] => /ver9c//zeus/
    [session_id] => n16ksoqbbndb01f0lf6slkhp24
    [dbserver] => localhost
    [db_server] => localhost
    [phapp_user] => 
    [owner_primary_phone] => (805) 962-0739
    [owner_name] => MD Seed Analysis Inc
    [client_title] => MD Seed Analysis Inc
    [client_web_page] => 
    [client_logo] => /phclient/mdsa/phapp/images/mdsa_logo.jpg
    [ph_schema] => mdsaph
    [mail_to.lab_report_summary] => mdsa@cox.net
    [client_web_top] => /phclient/mdsa/
    [client_full_path] => /home/http/mdsa.pureharvest/phclient/mdsa/